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St. Mary's Catholic Primary School

Art and Design Curriculum

Each year, as appropriate, within topics, there will be opportunities for drawing, painting and sculpture.  Children will be encouraged to develop colour, line, texture, pattern, form and shape. Throughout the children's topics, the teachers will provide opportunities for the children to use the outdoor learning facilities and the world around them to deepen their learning. 

EYFS Year A & B

We encourage creative work throughout the Foundation Stage, as part of the EYFS curriculum.  We plan opportunities for creative experiences using objectives set out in Development Matters.
The children’s learning includes art, music, dance, role-play and imaginative play. This range of experiences enables our children to make connections between one area of learning and another, and so extends their understanding of the world around them.

Units below can be used.

Marvellous marks  - Paint my world - Creation station - Let’s get crafty - Autumn craft Christmas craft -  Winter craft - Spring craft  - Easter craft -  Summer craft -  Autumn wreaths -  Salt dough decorations -  Threaded snowflakes – Suncatchers -  Egg threading -  Salt painting


At Key Stage 1, our children are introduced to a range of materials and techniques in drawing, painting and sculpture. They are encouraged to use their imagination and creativity in their work and to begin to be reflective artists. The children take influence from famous artists and are invited to discuss similarities and differences in their works. 

End KS1

  • At the end of KS1 pupils will feel confident in their artistic ability and begin to feel secure in their ability to express themselves and become proud of their achievements.
  • Building on their experiences of EYFS they will have embedded the foundations of artistic skills and understanding. Pupils will also be gaining an understanding of some key artists.

Year 1 & 2 – Year A

Make your mark!

Woven Wonders

Colour Splash

Clay Houses

Year 1 & 2 – Year B

Tell a Story

Paper Play

Life in colour

Map it Out


At Key Stage 2, our children learn to master the skills and techniques acquired in KS1 and learn to become more critical of their own work, discussing how they could improve and refine their work. They will gain the confidence to select and discuss their choice of media.

Topics will vary. The curriculum shall build upon progress within the prime areas of learning as well as drawing, painting, mixed media, sculpture and 3D craft and design.

End KS2

  • At the end of KS2 pupils will have built on their experiences of KS 1 and developed a personal artistic skill to communicate and experiment in a creative and varied manner.
  • They will feel confident in their own abilities, be able to express themselves and feel proud of their achievements.
  • Pupils can evaluate their own and others work and have an understanding of a wide range of artists, cultures, diversity and History.

Year 3 & 4 – Year A

Prehistoric Painting

Ancient Egyptian Scrolls

Growing Artists

Mega Materials

Year 3 & 4 - Year B

Fabric of Nature

Power Prints

Abstarct shape and space

Power Prints


Year 5 & 6 - Year A


Interactive Installations

I need space


Year 5 & 6 - Year B

Make my Voice Heard

Artists Study

Making memories 

Photo opportunities