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St. Mary's Catholic Primary School

Year 5/6

Hi and welcome to the Year 5/6 class page!

Can't believe September has come and another exciting school year is beginning!
Just a quick run-through of our school day, curriculum and timetable.
Start of the day: 8:45- 9:00 am
Morning break: 10:30- 10:45 am
(If you are sending in snacks, please make them healthy - no massive bags of crisps or sweets)
Lunchtime: 12pm- 1pm
End of the day: 3:15 pm
Each morning begins with a maths and English lesson. In the afternoon we enjoy Religious Education, PE, learning about History, geography and much more! 
Our days for PE have changed slightly. They will now be on Monday and Wednesdays. On these days, children are to come in wearing their PE kits.
This term, we will be having swimming lessons for our Monday PE. Please make sure your child has the following:
  1. Swimming costume - one piece for the girls, tight-fitting shorts for the boys.
  2. Swimming cap.
  3. Towel
  4. A plastic bag to put wet things in
Please note, no jewellery is permitted, including earrings. Please ensure that if your child has earrings that they are removed prior to the lesson. We are unable to put plasters over them. 
Homework Expectations
Reading - please listen to your child read their home reading book each night and ensure that their reading record is signed. Each day, you child's record will be checked and stamped if they have read. Children will be rewarded at the end of the week if they have had five stamps. 
Spellings - each Tuesday, new spellings will be given out for your child to learn. We recommend a 'little and often' approach to help learning. The spelling test will be on the following Monday.
Times-tables - in years 5 and 6 times-tables are interwoven into the majority of objectives covered in Maths. A deep understanding of their times tables is of a great importance to aid in their learning. Each Tuesday your child will be given a times-table task which will be tested on the following Monday. Like the reading, we recommend a 'little and often' approach to this.
Project - each half-term, your child will be given a project that will relate to part of our curriculum. These projects will be celebrated in class during the last week of the half-term.
Children have access to both TT Rockstars and Purple Mash (which has a number of resources that encompass the whole curriculum) which we would encourage children to go on regularly at home.
There are many apps and online resources that children can use to help them in their learning journey. Below is one that I have personally used with my own children and recommend (it does however have a cost)
King of Math (HD GamePlay) - YouTube
This is a game where children can answer a variety of maths questions from all different areas and elevate themselves from paupers to The King (or Queen) of Maths!