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St. Mary's Catholic Primary School


Welcome to our Governors’ section

Please find below details of our Governing Body, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

There are 12 places on the governing body: 7 foundation governors; 2 elected parent governors; 1 Local Authority governor; 2 staff governors (including the headteacher).

In addition, the governing body may appoint one or more associate members whose skills can assist the governing body. Associate members do not have voting rights in committees or in full governors' meetings.



Although it is the Headteachers responsibility to ensure the effective day to day management of the school, the governing body supports the work of the headteacher and contribute towards the strategic decisions made. The governing body works closely with the headteacher, staff,  local authority and the archdiocese.

Key roles include acting as a critical friend, to challenge, to ask questions and to represent the school community. Governors are involved in staffing, finance, curriculum and premises issues.

Members of the governing body include parents, teaching staff, local community and local authority representatives. The full governing body meets at least once every half-term, with ad-hoc meetings when required.

Governing Body

Danny Corbett - Chair of Governors - Parent Governor

Leanne Bovill- Vice Chair - Foundation Governor

Gaynor Shiels - Foundation Governor

Helen Blanchard - Foundation Governor

Nicola Robinson - Foundation Governor 

Fred Cowell - Foundation Governor 

Dominic McNabb - Foundation Governor

Jessica Morris - Foundation Governor 

Maryanne Ramsbottom - Parent Governor

Cllr John Kelly - LA Governor

Rachael Hooper - Staff Governor

Kerry Scott - Headteacher