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St. Mary's Catholic Primary School

Year 1/2

Autumn Term 2023 :

Welcome to the year 1 and 2 class page :)

The class teachers for year 1 and 2 are Miss Byrne and Mrs Dunleavy with the support of teaching assistants Mrs Davidson and Ms Jones :)

Just a few quick reminders:

  • Reading books need to be in school daily and we will endeavour to change them once a week.

  • Spelling tests will take place on a Monday.

  • PE will take place on a Monday and Wednesday

  • Your child does not need to bring in their own stationery/pencil cases as we will provide all equipment for them to use.

  • Please ensure your child has a refillable water bottle, clearly labelled with their name on. Disposable water bottles are not allowed in school.

  • Children are welcome to bring in a snack for break times, for example, a piece of fruit, cereal bar, biscuit, crisps.

  • Please ensure your child’s uniform is clearly labelled with their names, as this will enable us to minimise the amount of missing items.

  • Please do not bring fizzy drinks in to school.

  • Please ensure that your child does not bring toys in to school, in order to prevent loss/damage.


Reading: your child has been given a reading book and reading diary. Please listen to your child read as much as possible and record this in your child’s reading diary. Reading books will be changed once a week. Your child will also receive a decodable phonics book as part of the Essential Letters Scheme (ELS). This book will be appropriate for your child's current phonic knowledge and will be changed when they can read the book with fluency and expression (do not be surprised if your child has the same book for a couple of weeks at a time, this is not uncommon).


R.E. - Family

Children will take part in collective worship daily.

Children will also be learning traditional prayers like the Hail Mary and Our Father alongside their class prayers.

MATHS - Place Value

ENGLISH - Stories about pets

PHONICS - Year 1 have a phonics input daily- following the Essential Letters and Sounds scheme. Year 2 will continue to learn different spelling patterns and begin to spell following those patterns. Year 2 will also take part in daily SPAG and Guided reading lessons.

SCIENCE: Living things and their habitats.

History-  Gunpowder Plot

Art: Different types of lines

COMPUTING: Online safety, exploring Purple Mash and Questioning.

PE: Outdoor games.

MUSIC: Pulse and Rhythm 

RSHE: My Happy Mind.

The Year 1 & 2 staff are always here to help and are available talk to you over any concerns before and after school. If your class teacher isn’t available, please contact the school office and book an appointment.

We look forward to working with you over the coming year in supporting your child with their learning journey :) 

The Year 1 & 2 team. 

Please check here for further resources and links if you complete work and are looking for some more.

ELS pronunciation of phonics sounds

Oak National Academy Online Classrooms

CBeebies games

CBeebies topics

BBC Bitesize

BBC Teach


White Rose Maths

Extra Resources